Kicking the autoDJ

When I kick the autoDJ and begin streaming live, Centova Cast reports an outage.
When I kick the autoDJ prior to streaming live, the autoDJ takes a long time to reconnect after I disconnect my live source.


The autoDJ should never be "kicked" using ShoutCast's "kick source" feature.  Doing so causes the ShoutCast server to forcibly disconnect the streaming source, which in turn causes the streaming source to exit when it cannot reconnect.

This has a number of negative side-effects:

  • This is interpreted by Centova Cast's monitoring as an unexpected source outage (which is correct, because it is indistinguishable from a crash), so the administrator and the stream owner will be notified via E-mail of a stream outage.

  • Centova Cast will only periodically attempt to restart the autoDJ to recover from the perceived outage.  These attempts will fail during the live broadcast and be interpreted as further problems with the server.

    Note that this autoDJ restart feature is NOT intended to be relied upon to reconnect the autoDJ after a live broadcast -- it is intended to ensure that the stream doesn't stay offline for an extended period of time if the autoDJ software crashes.  The reconnection period cannot be fine-tuned with a granularity suitable for reconnection after a live broadcast.

  • Because the source will repeatedly and unsuccessfully attempt to reconnect to the server, your logs will be polluted with error messages from the streaming source.

Your DJs should always stop the autoDJ before broadcasting live, and restart the autoDJ when their broadcast is complete.

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